Thursday, 9 May 2013

Getting There

This past week i have been finalising my dress and scarves. I now have all eight scarves hemmed and finished and am extremely pleased with them and how they work in their separate collections. I have tried to take some more professional photos to advertise my scarves and this is what i came up with..

I like how it shows the scarf hanging on the mannequin but the mannequin is just a line which i drew over in illustrator. I think it gives it a great effect and shows the scarves as i wanted them to look.

I have also spent the past few days finishing my dress and embroidering and beading into it. The embroidering gives it a more couture and quality finish look to it. I feel it gives it that added extra detail to make it that bit better which would suit the high end market which i was aiming for. I have also added my leather bugs to the top part of the garment, adding wire so the bugs are coming off the dress and look as if they are floating away which i love as it gives it another detail which gives it a unique and dramatic feel than just sticking with an ordinary dress.

Front of dress.
Back of dress
Experimenting of how i want it to look for my final show.

Close up ideas - experimenting

Beading my bugs. I only added beading to the huge bugs to make them stand out and give them that extra special something :)

Final ideas of where i will be placing my leather bugs

Front shoulder view

Another way & Idea

Final side view

I am really pleased with the final outcomes of my products and cant wait to see how they will look in my final show, tomorrow i will be painting my boards and preparing things ready to go up for my show so i will keep you updated :)

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