Friday, 24 May 2013

Finally Finished After Three Hardworking Years!!

This week i have finally come to the end of my degree! I have enjoyed every moment of it and am pleased with my final outcomes and skills i have learnt and produced along the way.

Here is a picture of my Final Show which is on for a week from the 17th May at University of Bolton.

I had a really nice space to fill with my work and it was great to learn how to put things and hang things which work together so all your show flows and relates.

I had great feedback from our preview night, it was so nice to listen and talk to people who compliment and love your work. Many people couldn't believe i had drawn my bugs which was a shock but nice compliment! Also many people said how they loved that you cant really see or tell what my pattern is until you really look closely at the detail and hidden bugs and insects which i was over the moon about as this was the look i wanted to achieve.

However i can't believe its all over! Now i have to think about what next?.. The past few days i have spent extremely bored and lost so i have purchased a new sketchbook to carry on :) I will be adding to my collection of The Beauty's in the Detail, drawing more detailed bugs and organic forms and also think about how i can move on and develop from it too. 

Also i will be exhibiting at New Designers in London on the 24th June - 29th June which will be very exciting and hopefully see if anything comes of that :)

Hope you like my show!

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