Thursday, 30 May 2013

Whats Next?..

I have been thinking what i can produce next to stay productive. I have been researching and looking at different products in the market to get some inspiration. I have decided that i am going to make a few clutch bags for New Designers in London and to add to my collection already. I have bought a pattern and clutch frames and am just waiting on them to arrive in the post and today i am going to send of a few designs to be digitally printed.
This is the style of bag i will be making with my designs. I also thought because i had a lot of leather fabric samples left over from my degree i thought i would make some bags some how from my leather samples to take to New Designers also if they work out successful!

I wont uploads my designs for my bags i will keep it a surprise for when they are made :) Hope they arrive very soon!

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