Tuesday 19 March 2013

Busy Bee!

Hi, Sorry i haven't updated in a while been so so busy!.. Catching up with drawing as well as sampling and putting together a few design ideas for my scarves! Its time now we need to be preparing to start printing and making our final products and i'm still drawing and only just started to design.

I recently went to visit Fred Aldous in Manchester which is a huge shop and studio with different facilities for the public to use. I went to learn how to laser cut and see how fast it was and what the outcome would be like.  They showed us examples of different types of cutting on different materials.

However my file i had prepared didn't work, and i had so many things on my hard drive when i plugged it into the laptop it just went crazy and couldn't handle my hard drive . So i ended up just testing my fabrics to see how it worked and what it looked like on my leather fabrics.  I just cut small circles but it was quite fast and gave a great outcome which never frayed. it helped me gain an understanding of how to correctly prepare my files and what it would turn out like. Heres an image of my fabric cut outs. 

However Becky's image worked and looked great once finished 

Laser cutter in the middle of cutting Becky's Doile design

It was a great experience to see and learn how it all works however it is so expensive so if i decide to use laser cutting in my final show which I'm pretty much sure i will be doing i need to work out if i have the money to pay for it or the time to cut it out myself if not as its very time consuming.

I spent a day experimenting with other metallic leather fabrics cutting out and screen printing over

I also took a trip to the NEC wedding Fayre which was not for my research initially but it did give me a few good ideas. This wedding dress had beautifully cut out and embelished detail which i would like to try on some of my samples but develop it to make it more contemporary as this seemed quite vintage and old fashioned with the style of the dress. 

Also at the end of the fashion show the final dress was a beautiful haute couture dress but everyone was taken by surprise from the over the top wedding hat, it gave me the idea to have bug heads on my mannequins for my final show or even just floating above my final garment.

The picture doesnt really do it any justice as i only had my mobile but it was beautiful and eye catching.

So on my day off me and my boyfriend had a productive day creating insect heads with paper mache
they are still nowhere near finished as i have to do layer after layer whilst letting them dry so i will upload some images later on.

I also entered the Bradford Textile Society competition with two entry's, one of repeat fabric for fashion and one with a digital print with embellishment over. I really loved my embellished sample and it made me want to embellish my final scarves once printed - if i have time which i hope i do :)
Heres images of my final boards, one being an idea board and then my main sample

Two more drawing designs of mine which i managed to slip in my hectic schedule experimenting with bugs and flowers combined and also organic flowers and forms.

 I am currently working on my final scarf designs which i will upload later

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