Thursday 1 November 2012

Searching For Some Fashion Inspiration

I found some interesting images where fashion has been inspired by insects on a fashion blog Style FT. The garments are very structured and colourful which i like, Take a look...

I also found another designer called Alan Donovan Tjon his collection is based on infects yet very different to the ones above, his is more about drapes and flowing fabric with details of the wings which i really like. Here's a few of his designs...

These next images are of him collaborating with Paula Shelby Avellaneda

Although this is his working with another designer you can still see the relattion between these dresses and insects, with the colours used and the folds and pleats and textures created. Almost feather like i think there fab! :)

1 comment:

  1. My students thought the quirky insect inspired garments were fab
    We cant find your website?
